Owner + Illustrator

Hey, I’m Amanda! I am a Navy veteran that’s been creating art since the beginning of time with a huge passion for helping others, saving our planet, and breaking the stigma surrounding getting help for mental health issues.

I am the BIGGEST cheerleader for anyone pursuing their passions and working towards making their dreams a reality. So, let’s achieve greatness together!

My inspiration comes from every aspect of my life whether it be my time in the military, the people I’ve met around the world, or just my unique experiences and traumas.

Fun Facts : My favorite movie/documentary is “Exit Through the Gift Shop.” I helped break a Guinness World Record (Largest Underwater Cleanup, June 2019). I am a PADI Divemaster (hopefully instructor soon!). I write a travel blog and have been to 35 countries on 6 continents. I backpacked South America for 3 months with only a 32L backpack and felt like I over-packed. I am obsessed with tattoos (if you couldn’t tell)!